WARNING: Here's What Every Stuck Person
 Needs To Know About Worthiness

Dear friend,

YOU have been DUPED!!

You're probably like, "Pardon ME?!" (I'm Canadian and that's what we say.)  But let me tell you what I mean...

Remember back when you were younger and many of the adults around you would ask, "what do YOU want to be when you grow up?" 

Well, that's the TRAP most of us fall in to!  And we, often times, SUBCONSCIOUSLY  perpetuate It generation after generation.  How?  Because we adapt to a culture that says, get a "good job", make "good money" and somehow, deep down,  we decide that money EQUALS success... Now it's certainly APART of it, but certainly NOT all of It. 

Somehow, we tend to NEGLECT mental wellness! It's all good and great to have dreams and ambition... but "WHAT" you do is connected to achievement, and that can feel EMPTY on its own.

A much more powerful question to ask is, "WHO do you want to be when you grow up?" You see one is rooted in achievement, where as the other is rooted in FULFILLMENT!

If I have learned anything working with people over the last 10 years, It's that ACHIEVEMENT is like gas in a car! Yes, you NEED It to drive you... BUT, FULFILLMENT IS the car... you can't TRULY "arrive" without It (Of course I'm speaking as if driving were the only option).

What's up guys!! I'm Sarah Fontenot, founder of the Disruptor Elite Group. Essentially an online course that gives people tangible tools to FINALLY get out of your OWN WAY mentally and emotionally so you can start to build a LIFE and BUSINESS you love!

I have spent 10's of thousands of dollars and 10's of thousands of HOURS learning, implementing, sharpening my own tools, and helping others do the same for yearsssss now.  

And what I found, After working with HUNDREDS even thousands of people; the reason why people CANT get out of THEIR OWN WAY... I mean, the MOST OVERLAPPING issue often TIMES boils down to SELF LOVE and WORTHINESS!!! 

IT's NOT ABOUT THE STRATEGY... YET! And now, I'm practically giving some of my PROVEN, TRIED and TRUE methods! away!

How To Experience A More Fulfilling Life
Without Fear or Doubt
THIS is the ULTIMATE Self Love Guide Audiobook, in 7 steps, NOT in THEORY but in ACTION!! Tangible, real life exercises and action steps that can help you to BOOST CONFIDENCE, Belief in yourself, remember your WORTH, HIGH VALUE and ultimately LIVE an authentically happy life.  This is how you can get out of your OWN way, without feeling FEAR, Doubt or Unworthiness!

And, IF you get your copy today, I'm going to throw in some AMAZING bonuses!

THAT Link right down there can walk you through how you can CHANGE YOUR LIFE for the better starting in as little as 24 hours! Now, OBVIOUSLY outwardly things PROBABLY wont change over night, but inwardly... your mind can, and THAT is one of the MOST POWERFUL changes!    

On top of that, I am going to include (are you ready for this list of bonuses... make sure you stick around to hear them all). Worksheets AND EXERCISES that coincide with the Audio so you can start to implement these minor changes that make a MAJOR DIFFERENCE!! These are the secrets to AUTHENTIC HAPPINESS, that every STUCK person needs to know!

Now speaking from EXPERIENCE here, for years I was STUCK!! Dating the wrong people, toxic relationships, even domestic violence. I was broke; mentally, emotionally and financially! I was 38 lbs heavier!! Constantly breaking out due to stress and feeling like there was NO WAY OUT!!  

Until I LEARNED how to BE happy and not just "look" happy... Have you ever felt like you've had to put on a happy face?  I had to learn to see my value even though I thought I didn't make enough money, have the time to change It, or have much belief in how things could change!

The Ultimate Self Love Guide
I know what it's like to look in the mirror and NOT recognize who you see looking back at you! People see me now and think I've always been this way, and thats just not the TRUTH! I've had to work SO HARD to achieve success! And I'm not just talking monetarily! For me, TRUE SUCCESS is whole life happiness!! Where you mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially are joyous with your current life! Obviously excited for more, but HAPPY with where you are! And the fact is, it's a forever thing, honestly I'll always be a work in progress.  And you have to have compassion for yourself because you are too.

When I started my self love journey... I needed something that WAS SIMPLE!! I was stretched to my limit... at my full capacity! so trying to make some huge leap of a change was asking WAY TOO much!! I started with a 15-20 min bedside workout. I knew I couldn't commit to an hour a day... BUT I wanted a change... so, I started working out next to my bed for 15-20 min 3-5 days a week. I should also mention, I was almost paralyzed over a decade ago, so I cant do heavy weight... I share transparently because I think it's important for you to know It doesn't matter where you start!! Every champion starts out as an amateur!

SO, I am going to include MY 5 FAVORITE "Bedside" workouts. if your goal inside of self love, is to see a change in your body, then give these free included workouts a try! So you can follow along with me WITHOUT the hassle of going to or being in a gym!

Now, at that time, I also, started with a meal plan; Smoothies and clean eating. SO I thought It only right to include a FULL BLOWN "whole FOOD" GUIDE!! healthy doesn't have to taste bad! And if youre anything like me, you'll definitely want to click the link below to get the audio version incase you want to listen in the car or while youre in the shower. And lastyl, I'm going to include POWERFUL Mindset affirmations that can help you to BECOME YOUR best YOU!! Incorporating these daily routines have completely upleveled my life!! In my finances, Love, Business, and mentality! I promise I'm no different from you!

These are WORTHINESS mistakes EVERY STUCK person should avoid.

How to Stop Allowing Fear to Run Your Life!

Even If You Think You Don't Have Enough Time, Money or Belief In Yourself

The reason why you may need this Ultimate Self Love guide is because , SO MANY of us, don't even REALIZE how we operate from our fears, doubts, unworthiness and low self esteem! Which may look like TOXIC relationships for you too, Financial Struggles, Self Sabotage, annnnd these things keep you STUCK!!

How many times have you found yourself procrastinating?  Doing EVERYTHING except what you know you should be doing?!

Fear shows up in so many different ways:
-Over thinking
-Low productivity
-Mood swings
-Sleep Deprivation

The list goes ON!!!!

Quick And Easy Ways To Overcome Low Self Esteem, Fear And Doubt

In addition to fear, here's a STAGGERING statistic: 2/3 people Struggle with low self esteem - which means they struggle with belief in themselves, their own abilities, CONSTANTLY doubt who they are and what they're capable of.  

Low self esteem is SO MUCH MORE COMMON THAN YOU THINK!!!  2/3 people!! In other words, the majority of people struggle with It!  So if you're in that category, you're NOT ALONE! 

"I was the girl struggling to pay my rent every month #FAIL"

A little about my story: I was the girl struggling to pay my rent every month #FAIL, I was engaged TWICE, still not married... according to society: #FAIL... I was 38 lbs HEAVIER like I said, and in an UNHEALTHY WAY... you get the idea... 

I had to learn how to come out of my OWN TOXIC behavior,GET OUT OF MY OWN WAY, change the way I identified with myself, and TRULY Create SELF LOVE! And I learned how to completely do a 180 in my life because I FOUND THE FORMULA! And I'm practically giving It away!

Here's The Perfect Solution If You Want To Finally Get Out Of Your Own Way Mentally and Emotionally!

How To Live An 
Authentically Happy Life... 
Even If You Think You Don't Have Enough Money, Time Or Belief In Yourself!

The Ultimate self love guide Audiobook
GET UNSTUCK!! So You Can Experience A More Fulfilling Life!

This is HOW you can get your guide TODAY:
If you're ready to change your life for the better, click down below, put in your card information, Continue to the next page and BOOM!! I'll be sending you the Ultimate self love guide, assisting Worksheets, at home workouts, a whole food guide AND powerful mindset affirmations… all for just $97!
I TRULY believe we can have a life and business we LOVE; BUT, it has many moving parts… and after working with thousands of people over the last 10 years, what I've learned is, Authentic happiness STARTS with Belief in self, self-love and confidence!

For Only $97.00
Yes... for about the price of a Happy Meal, you can get access to the practices that took me years, experience, PAIN and countless hours to learn/create... 

YES SARAH! Give Me Instant Access To The 'Ultimate Self Love Guide Audiobook' And Training RIGHT NOW For Just $97.00!
STOP Overthinking And Second Guessing Yourself!!
But If You Do...
It's Never Too Late To Press Your Restart!!

These Are The Tools I Used To Create A More Fulfilling Lifestyle
More Success Stories Using The Ultimate Self Love Guide Practices:
Get Out Of Your Own Way!
When You Get Your Copy Of "Ultimate Self Love Guide"(For Just $97.00)
You'll Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE!
Bonus #1 - Worksheets and Daily Exercises
Put the Work In Action With These Coinciding Worksheets!
Total Value: $97
Daily practices you can start to implement RIGHT WAY!!  Minor changes that make a MAJOR difference!
And You Get This For FREE When You Order Your Ultimate Self Love Guide Audiobook Today! 
Bonus #2 - Whole Food Ebook
Self Love is an Internal Thing! Where better to start than what we put in our bodies!
Total Value: $97
Eating healthy doesn't have to taste bad!!  In a world where saying "Whole Foods" has become cliche... We aim to make It a lifestyle!
And You Get This For FREE When You Order Your Ultimate Self Love Guide Audiobook Today! 
Bonus #3 - Meal Plan I Lost 38Lbs With
Now that we know WHAT to eat, How do we eat It?
Total Value: $47
This is the meal plan I started (and still use) to keep my body in it's strongest, happiest and healthiest state.  Plenty of options, recipes and simple go to snacks and meals that help to make healthy simple!
And You Get This For FREE When You Order Your Ultimate Self Love Guide Audiobook Today! 
Bonus #4 - Powerful Mindset Affirmations
"Those Who Say They Can, And Those Who Say They Can't, Are Both Right".
Total Value: $47
There is NOTHING more powerful than a made up mind.  Use these affirmations to so you can rewire your thinking from IF you can, to WHEN you can.  How we speak to ourselves MATTERS!!  Try both the written and audio affirmations out!
And You Get This For FREE When You Order Your Ultimate Self Love Guide Audiobook Today! 
Bonus #5 - Digital Journal
"Write the Vision and Make It Plain"
Total Value: $47
There is such a high level of reinforcement that happens when you write out your goals, thoughts and ideas!!  This digital journal also comes packed with affirmations and space for you to start manifesting what you want more of in your life!
And You Get This For FREE When You Order Your Ultimate Self Love Guide Audiobook Today! 
Bonus #6 - At Home Bedside Workouts
Full Body Bed Side Workouts
Total Value: $47
You don't have to go to the gym to get a result!  Try on my 5 FAVORITE bedside full body workouts!  Done in 15-20 min, but you'll DEFINITELY get your sweat in for the day!
And You Get These For FREE When You Order Your Ultimate Self Love Guide Audiobook Today! 
Now a lot of you may be wondering why I would give you allllllll of this for $97 right...? You're probably like, WHATS the CATCH?!... and the answer is, there is no catch! I'm not trying to trick you.  

I'm doing this because if you buy this product, and you like It... you're probably going to buy something from me in the future. I am absolutely going to give you sooooooo much value that hopefully you cant help but come back for more! That's the catch!
Time Is Of The Essence...
This Is A LIMITED OFFER At This Price.
Now, The big thing to understand here is, there is some urgency.  This offer will not be available forever. 

 In the future I'll probably sell this by itself and It may not include all the bonuses. 

Honestly, I don't know if it'll be here a week, a month or a year, but to be honest, no matter the time, you could already see a difference in yourself and even your current circumstances or situations. 

 That's why you do It NOW!! Make the change NOW!! Decide NOW!! No more putting off what you KNOW you want!! 

...and also, this could be gone next week...
Here Is My Guarantee, Let's get CRAZY:
If you're like, what If I get this guide with all the bonuses and It doesn't work for me... 

If THIS GUIDE (we wont even INCLUDE the FREEBIES, because the guide stands on its own), if It doesn't help you boost a little confidence, increase your belief in self or It fails to help you to live a more authentically happy life... then you'll recieve a full refund... no questions asked.
Now that you know This Is an undeniable Offer!!

Do it!!! stop waiting!

Alright Sarah! Give Me Instant Access To The Ultimate Self Love Guide Audiobook And Training RIGHT NOW For Just $97.00 !
  Instant Access To Your Ultimate Self Love Guide Audiobook   (Value $497)
  Full Access To Best Practices and worksheets included           (Value $97)
  Instant Access Whole Food Ebook (Value $97)
  Instant Access To Meal Plan  (Value $47)
  Powerful Mindset Affirmations (Value $47)
  Digital Journal (Value $47)
  At Home Workouts  (Value $47)
Total Value: $897
Today Just $97
I believe in you, even if we've never met!!  I am honored and grateful to build business, mindset and get that belief set!  I am no different from you, just someone who was crazy enough to believe that WORTHINESS is a BIRTHRIGHT!!  It is not something you achieve, it's yours the moment you take your first breath on the planet!!

You can do any and all things, and I would love to do some of them together!!
Until soon,

P.S. you are FREAKING PHENOMENAL and nothing can stop you, but YOU!! so lets go out and get It! 
YES! Give Me Instant Access To 'The Ultimate Self Love Guide' Audiobook RIGHT NOW For Just $97.00 !
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Everything Your Going To Get
  • Instant Access To The Ultimate Self Love Guide Audiobook (Value $497)
  • Full Access To Daily Practices and Worksheets (Value $97)
  • Instant Access To Whole Food Ebook        (Value $97)
  • ​Access To Meal Plan (Value $47)
  • Powerful Mindset Affirmations (Value $47)
  • Digital Journal (Value $47)
  • At Home Bedside Workouts (Value $47)
Total Value: $897
Today Just $97

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $37: DEEP DIVE into how THIS morning routine helped me to attract in my DREAM partner AND catapult my business (from doing $250,000 per year to $1,000,000 per year, in 6 months)! THIS is A DEEP dive into the DAILY manifesting practices that can help you to TRULY create a LIFE and BUSINESS you LOVE!! -- This special offer also includes the audiobook version of the Whole Food Ebook!!

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